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Don’t Let Your Deal Crumble
Loans Covered By TRID Disclosures TRID rules apply to MOST consumer credit transactions secured by real property. These include mortgages, refinancing, construction-only loans closed-end home-equity...
TRID: What Lenders Must Disclose Federal “disclosure” forms define the information that creditor businesses MUST provide to consumers applying for real estate loans. As of Oct 1, 2015 lenders must...
Preparing for Internet Showing Today, your first “showing” will be on the Internet - you're watching this on the Internet, right? Your price, listing description and PHOTOS determine whether someone...
Home Sales Tips: Prepping the Outside Professional “staging” may include the exterior, but if you’re doing it all yourself, try the five things outlined in this video. 1 - Landscape & lawn. That’s the...
What Are VA Loans?
What Are VA Loans? As the video says, the name is misleading – they’re not loans FROM the VA. The VA – short for “US Department of Veterans Affairs” – is the Federal military veteran benefit system. The VA administers benefits and services for Service
Major VA Loan Types
What Are The Major Types Of VA Loans? Major Veterans Affairs loan programs described in this video include: 1) Purchase Loans. These help eligible parties buy a home at competitive interest rates with little to no down payment and little or no private mortgage…
Consumers Call Remote Online Notarization (RON) Closing Process Safe, Secure
An overwhelming majority of consumers who used remote online notarization (RON) technology to complete their real estate transaction described the process as secure and convenient, and made the possibility of purchasing a home a reality. According to a survey issued...