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Congratulations to our Club 100 Members!

Capital Title’s Club 100 Capital Title (along with Insurance One and John Adams) utilizes a customer feedback tracking platform called Listen360. With this platform, feedback requests are sent out to Realtors and Loan Officer’s after every closing that we perform...

Real Estate Closings Are Like Baseball

A Fenway Story… A few years back my family and I went to Maine for vacation. The day we landed in Boston the Red Sox were playing the Rays in the nostalgic Fenway Park. We decided to go in order to kick off vacation quickly, and to give our kids the REAL baseball...

20% of Homeowners May Not Sleep Tonight

Each year, approximately 20% of homebuyers fail to protect themselves by not getting owner’s title insurance. Unfortunately, this leaves them exposed to serious financial risk—causing endless worry and regret. If you’re thinking of buying a home, here’s what you need...